Student Experience
Our mission is to form transformational leaders. And we think leadership is best learned by doing—mistakes and all.
At Prep we have over 300 opportunities to lead and learn more about yourself. Try out for a role in the school musical. Be the lead attorney on a Mock Trial Team. Captain a sport. Lead your classmates in a brainy or brawny Olympic Week competition. Our program includes over 90 co-curricular options ranging from PULSE dance and robotics to the Global Justice Coalition and Mock Trial. We think what happens outside of the classroom is just as formative as what happens inside the classroom.
At Prep, athletics, the arts, student government, clubs, drama, and competitive activities are essential and necessary students experiences as we aspire to the Jesuit ideals of the Grad @ Grad.
How Do I Get Involved at Prep?
The student experience at Seattle Prep is a story that each student gets to write themselves. We try and create an environment that challenges students to explore areas outside of their comfort zone and individual expertise. The results are what every educator wants—students who engage with their greater potential, gaining a sense of empowerment and resiliency along the way.
– William Liu
Assistant Principal for Student Life
The Ignatian Leadership Conference (ILC) is a three-day conference for juniors held on campus every spring. The conference provides students with experiences and activities to develop their leadership skills, jump-start the college application process, and provide time for student collaboration within co-curricular activities and athletics in preparation for the following year.