Window Classes
A chance to explore. A chance to learn more. A chance to develop.
Window is a part of the Prep schedule. It is a period at the end of each B day which is reserved for co-curricular activities, study halls, help sessions, and electives.
Window Classes
- AP US History
- Art Club
- Instrumental Music
- Intro to Computer Science
- Ceramics
- Choir
- Film Club
- Ignite (Creative Online Journal)
- Journalism
- Math Team
- Mock Trial
- Peer Ministry
- Robotics
- Sports Marketing
- Weight Training
- Yearbook
- Yoga
Window Academic Supports
AP Math Support
Freshman Collegio Study Hall
Sophomore Collegio Study Hall
German Support
LRC Study Hall
National Honor Society Peer Tutoring
Writing Support
Try Something New
Yearbook student discusses layout and design with fellow editors.