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The Math Department at Seattle Prep strives to provide a high quality education in secondary mathematics, where students discover, develop, and apply their talents to the fullest. Our students are consistently encouraged to seek a conceptual understanding of mathematics and develop their problem-solving and reasoning skills as well as their ability to work cooperatively, think critically, and communicate precisely (in oral, written, and symbolic terms).

To facilitate this growth we employ a variety of teaching methods that aim to stimulate curiosity, encourage persistence, and incorporate technology use while reinforcing mathematics fundamentals needed for future study. Recognizing that each student learns differently, department members provide opportunities that address the diversity of learning styles with care and compassion. We believe in challenging students, both mathematically and personally, so that they will strive for excellence throughout their lives. Students should leave their classes with a lifelong appreciation of mathematics both in itself and in its real-world connections.

Curriculum & Placements

Math Faculty


Department Chair

Kelly Young joined the Seattle Prep Math Department in 2018. She is a proud Clemson tiger alum after earning a B.S. in Mathematics and M.Ed. in Administration at Clemson University. Kelly has taught a variety of math levels, from Algebra 1 through AP Calculus AB. From 2008-2015, Kelly taught at Wren High School in Piedmont, SC. While at Wren, Kelly served as Math Department Head for two years, developed and ran the afterschool tutoring program, created curriculum for a study skills class, and served as Cooperating Teacher for Clemson student teachers. From 2015-2017 she taught at North Charleston High School in Charleston, SC. Kelly teaches a variety of math classes at Prep and is the lead for the school's Peer Tutoring Program and moderator of National Honor Society.

Email Mrs. Young


Math Courses

Algebra 2

The course begins with a review of topics from Intermediate Algebra, then moves on to quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and polynomial functions. This course is designed to give students more time with each topic and to deepen their knowledge. The course is intended for students who work hard but need the slower pace. 

Prerequisite: Geometry and teacher recommendation

Algebra 2/ Trigonometry

The course begins with a review of basic algebra, then moves on to quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions. The year closes with a broad introduction to trigonometry.   

Prerequisites: Geometry and placement by department/teacher recommendation

AP Calculus AB

The course takes the students through the equivalent of the first semester of a college level calculus sequence.  It is designed in accordance to the Advanced Placement curriculum. The course prepares students for the AP Calculus AB exam. Topics include limits and continuity, the derivative and applications, techniques of differentiation, the integral and applications, and elementary differential equations.

Prerequisites: Honors Precalculus with a B+ or better or Precalculus with an A and teacher recommendation