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Curriculum & Departments

Seattle Preparatory School emphasizes not only subject matter but more importantly the process by which one "comes to know."

We seek to form students who are life-long critical thinkers, who grow in their understanding of content within a global context rather than fact-finding in isolation, who are called to ask critical questions, and who are ultimately called to act as transformational leaders. Rather than passively receiving information and predefined explanations, students actively engage in the learning process. Teachers actively involve students in the art of learning "how to learn."

Our unique curriculum places an emphasis on collaboration, deep understanding of content, analysis and synthesis, and the ability to apply what is learned in a myriad of challenging situations. At Seattle Prep, reflection and action are key components of the learning experience.

What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what gets you out of bed in the mornings, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything. Fr. Arrupe, S.J.


Seattle Prep offers a wide range of classes that prepare students to embody the "Grad at Grad."  Explore our academic departments below.


The Arts

The arts classes at Seattle Prep create and enable aesthetic perception and experiences through preparation, performance and hands-on creativity.



The English Department seeks to develop in students those skills that will enable them not only to be successful in college and careers, but also to be leaders in the various roles they will have in their lives.


Health Exercise Science

At Seattle Prep, health and fitness education build a strong foundation of practical application and knowledge by utilizing both academic and kinesthetic experiences.



The Mathematics Department at Seattle Prep strives to provide a high quality education in secondary mathematics, where students discover, develop, and apply their talents to the fullest. 



Science is a method of coming to know; the process itself teaches the need for exploration. 


Social Studies

The Social Studies program explores the global political, economic, social, historical, and religious trends of our world.



Grounded in the gospel call and the Jesuit tradition, religious education at Seattle Preparatory School blends theory and practice, doctrine and spirituality, academic knowledge and affective formation.


Window Classes

The Social Studies program explores the global political, economic, social, historical, and religious trends of our world.


World Languages

Seattle Prep offers German, Mandarin and Spanish to current students and future Panthers.

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Signature Programs


Collegio is a team-taught, interdisciplinary course and is a required part of the freshman, sophomore, and junior curriculum at Seattle Prep.

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