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Seattle Preparatory School

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Strategic Plan

On the north side of our campus, you will find an important remnant of Seattle Prep history. Ascending from Delmar Avenue, through overgrown brush and positioned atop the hillside, is an old staircase that winds up to the entrance of our newest building—the Merlino Center. This old staircase once connected the former Jesuit residence to the campus. Every day, the Jesuits would climb those stairs to perform their ministry of education on behalf of students confided to their care. Today, that same staircase has become a symbol of both our storied past as well as our promising future.

Those early Jesuits climbed those stairs and did their work together. Every day, they would literally rise and lead the Prep community. In the decades that would follow new generations of Jesuits, trustees, lay leaders, parents, alums, and others would also, together, continue to ascend and lead, building upon the generations that came before them. Today, thanks to thousands of those in the Prep community who had the courage to think boldly and follow their vision, our campus houses one of the most revered schools in the Seattle area. Our small but mighty campus boasts thoughtful facilities that have been reimagined and brought to fruition. This has been matched with strong curricular and co-curricular programs that round out the Prep experience.

At this moment, it is our turn to rise and lead Prep. We are pleased to share our five-year strategic plan, Together We Rise. Together We Lead., which will build on successful past efforts.Over the last several decades, the school has addressed critical physical infrastructure needs. The results have been the beautiful campus and facilities we enjoy today. Now it is time to turn our attention to human infrastructure. Our five-year strategic plan will focus on three key investments: people, programs, and perpetuity.

I invite you to read more about our five-year plan and learn about the future direction of Prep. We have so much to be grateful for, beginning with those early Jesuits who helped build a school that has continued its mission and tradition since 1891. It is now our turn to climb new stairs to a new future. As generations before, we will do this together, as one community, grounded in purpose and faith. Like those early Jesuits, it is our turn to rise and lead together.




Strategic Plan - Digital Version