Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity Mission Statement
Seattle Prep embraces diversity as a core characteristic of its Catholic, Jesuit identity. Prep recognizes the sanctity of each individual as one created in God’s image and values the many and varied ways God’s Spirit animates a vibrant, pluralistic Ignatian school culture.
Vision Statement
- Intentionally and vigorously foster an appreciation of and commitment to a diverse community, one of respect where individual differences are valued.
- Actively pursue opportunities that create and sustain a diverse student body, faculty, staff, and administration.
- Seamlessly interweave our commitment to diversity within our curricular and co-curricular activities so as to engender a spirit of respect and appreciation for our differences as an inherent good that is vital to our community’s education and culture.
- Incorporate our commitment to diversity within all policies, practices, decision making and goals.
- Recognize that the “commitment to justice” articulated in the Profile of the Graduate at Graduation includes a commitment to diversity, a commitment that is a shared responsibility for which all members of the community are accountable.
Meet the DEI Student Committee
Did You Know?
Prep students come from 64 zip codes and 100 middle schools.